Friday, May 1, 2009

Food Journal

Please post a 24 hour food journal (beginning Tuesday night's dinner) of all the food and drink you consume. Do not post anything you don't want others to read.

Tuesday night, i had fried chicken breast, with homemade frenchfries. I then had some ice-cream like i always do. Wednesday morning i had two pancakes, sausages, and sweet bananas with a cup of coffee. Lunchtime i had Mexican food, the "F-3" meal, including cut up chicken mixed with frenchfries (really good) with an Arizona bottle of Sweet Tea flavor. Dinner i had a lot of junkfood because i dont remember having any dinner prepared. I had some of my stepfather's bought chinese food and some soda and some ice-cream and maybe some chocolate milk. The tuesday night dinner and wednesday breakfast my mother had cooked. The mexican food was made by asians behind the back of a "mexican restaurant". The ice-cream is store bought icecream that comes in a little pint size for one person. Coffee was also made by my mother using our coffee-maker.

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