Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Response to "Industrial Food"

After looking over some of the suggested websites reviewing Industrialized food and its cost, it helped me to better understand how everything we eat and/or purchase having to do with food is only apart of a huge chain of costs that we as americans suffer through once again just by being citizens of this great country. before, when i would go food-shopping with my mother i would look at the price of the fresh meat and see that each was different only by a couple of cents. i thought that was only because of weight of the animal, not because of its shipping, its packaging, its corporation costs etc.

I watched the "animal cruelty" video and watched some of the actions that the workers do to the chickens, turkeys, hens, cows, and pigs. I always knew that they suffered and were killed for our own eating habits but i didnt reallythink of the other debatable things that they do, such as skinning them alive, or branding them w/o painkillers, or stuffing them into enclosed boxes and etc. The way they treat them is just plain wrong i thought, and all i could think about during, besides the killing, was how can those workers do they're job for 8 hours a day 7 days a week without being bothered by the squeling and fighting of the dying animals.


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