Thursday, February 12, 2009

birth stories....

I was born in Beth Israel hospital on union sq. My parents and older brother were living at 14 st. at the time, where i also lived for the next 11 years. it wasnt a far ride to the hospital, it was about 2 avenues away. I was born arnd 9:45 a.m. and was delivered very fast from what im told. My head was too big supposedly to come out so the doctors performed an episiotomy on my mother.

Someone in my class said that they're mother went into labour with them and they drove all the way to queens to be delivered because they had a family doctor who was to deliver her.

Another friend of mine, also in my class told me that his mom's water broke and she was alone and had to wait for his dad to come and pick him and his mother up and drive them to the hospital.

I saw a tv show one time where the group of people had just thrown the pregnant mother a very late baby shower, late because as the party ended and the mother was heading home, an earthquake had occured (california) and the elevator car she was in had lost power along with the rest of the building. By the time they could get the power back on The baby was delivered in the elevator by two people that had been escorting the mom.

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