Most of the questions asked in our class were related to each other or slightly, just slightly different. I did research on some on some of these questions, and also the questions that were created within my own group. Questions that were considered were revolved around Tubes tied, Abortions, Drugs in labour, And percentages of different kind of pregnancies.
Tubal Ligation, or having one's tubes tied, is considered to be a permanent procedure because of the small chance of getting pregnant even after a reversal. Even becoming pregnant after having your tubes tied can occur. It happens to 5 out of 1,000 women over 1 year. Over a total of 10 years, about 18 of those 1,000 women will report their unexpected pregnancy after having there tubes tied.
A study pf 11,800 women supports researchers on their hypothesis that medical abortions do not increase the risk of future miscarriages, ectopic pregnancies (complications in pregnancy), or low birth-weight. The cost of an abortion depends on the stage of pregnancy, where you live, insurance, etc. a first trimester is roughly about $300-$600. a second trimester is roughly about $500-$5,000.
Given epidurals during a woman's pregnancy are said to have some side effects well after, or even during labour. Epidurals can take up to an extra hour longer to deliver than natural childbirths. Blood pressure may drop severely, 1-2% of cases only, drop in blood pressure may lead to a drop in the baby's heart rate. The woman may be unable to feel contractions or be ablwe to push, which can increase the possibility of having to have a c-section. Also, very rare, but woman may develop a seizure.
There are said to be different terms used for rape. "assualt rape" and "date rape". Pregnancies from assault rape are extrememly rare. A study take in Arkansas, which was said to have been the lack of available studies and accurate studies, is said that 5-10% of women become pregnant due to assault rape.
This link was so helpful and useful. there is so much said information and goes very deep into the topic that it jumps into other categories as well. To get a deeper understand of what is said above you should really read the last article.
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