Friday, February 20, 2009

comments on the Youtube videos.

i first saw the video on a dolphin giving birth. a humans perspective is always from behind the glass observing the fish, or mammal whatever they are. The dolphin was swimming around constantly back and forth with a small fin sticking out of its vagina im guessing, and everyone there was in amazement. Finally the dolphin stopped at one place and continued all of her pushing there, until the dolphin came out. Afterwards everyone there in the audience clapped for the dolphins, as if they had put up a really good show. The mother and the father were swimming with the newborn dolphin, it was as if the dolphin had been around for years and wasnt new to the whole life thing. I was kinda into it a little it was interesting watching that birth, so i than chose a similar video that appeared on the sidebar and i watched after a killler whale give birth. the same exact concept had occured, the whale swimming everywhere than stopping. everyone there had clapped for the whales once again.

I saw a video of a woman giving birth, i had to confirm my birth of 18 years of age 1st, which i am not. there was no sound in this video, so i couldnt rate the amount of pain coming from her voice. Although what was happening did look painful enough. there was bleeding, which seemed excessive. and the way the doctor pulled the baby out and because of the no sound i almost thought the doctor was careless and injured the baby. But no. I then saw a video of a woman having a c-section. Seemingly enough, the woman wasnt in pain, im guessing she was given drugs. The husband recording wasnt in shock or amazement, and the doctor after delivering the baby brought the baby to the camera, it was nice. the normal way of delivering compared to a c-section seemed worse.

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