Friday, February 20, 2009

Natural Birth vs. Normal Birth

In class we created a venn-diagram separating normal events thats happen during both Normal and Natural Births. It seems to me that both can be viewed as easier or better for when having a baby. Normal Births seem safer and less painful, because in a Normal birth there are medical professionals around you and they have skilled instruments that make things even easier to deliver, and they also give you drugs which eliminates the pain. A natural birth was a little different, as it is only family and friends around you rather than professionals, there are alot of screams and no drugs are given to you (due to the no drugs policy). In a normal birth, the doctors take the baby away from you and your not able to touch the baby or see them until the next day. Natural births the baby is handed right to you and normal births they take the baby away from you, hardly even leaving you a glimpse of what your baby looks like. In normal births, the birth is scheduled, as to natural births, the baby is expected in exactly 9 months, everyone is just bracing themselves for something big to happen.

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